Duke Energy Foundation Grant Supports Local Work Initiatives for People with Disabilities
It was a busy day at Salem Blue River Industries, a sheltered workshop for adults with disabilities. Dozens of consumers were preparing tubes, cardboard packaging, leather, car parts, and other items to fulfill light manufacturing contracts with local businesses.
The program, a division of Blue River Services, Inc., may be largely underestimated, but some local corporations understand the benefits. Just ask Bruce Calloway, Government and Community Relations Manager for Duke Energy, who visited the workshop on February 23. With a giant check representing a $5,000 grant from Duke Energy Foundation, he had two first words. "I'm impressed," he said.
Consumers like Brian White didn't hesitate to welcome him and explain the importance of the funding, which will help improve and expand individual production areas and better accommodate those who, like him, use a wheelchair or other assistive device.
"I love my job,” Brian said. “I’ve been doing it for more than 20 years, but this will let me do it better and go faster."
Brian said he saves the money he earns and makes plans. “I took a trip to Florida, and we went to Dollywood,” he said. He also recounted a wrestling-themed birthday celebration with his brother and talked about going to a concert.
“This is what it’s all about,” said Tammy Seitz, COO of Blue River Programs. “With support from companies like Duke, consumers are able to reach their goals of self-sufficiency and even make new ones, allowing them to live happy, fulfilling lives. That’s our mission.”
After touring the facility, Calloway saw firsthand the impact on program participants and the community as a whole.
"Duke Energy is committed to strengthening local programs that have a significant impact in the communities we serve,” he said. “Seeing the work at Salem Blue River Industries was incredible -- for people with disabilities who clearly take pride in their work, for the local businesses they support, and for community members who rely on the products they manufacture."
Duke Energy’s Bruce Calloway, left, presented a $5,000 grant to consumers and leadership at Blue River’s sheltered workshop in Salem.
Brian White, a consumer at Salem Blue River Industries, prepares and packages tubes used to check oil in large equipment.